It’s an unprecedented time in our life. America is shutting down, it is going to be hectic, but this too shall pass.
There will be a lot of challenges over the next two to six weeks with a slow down coming, but there is an opportunity to connect. Connect with yourself, learn, get in shape, do what you’ve been needing to do. Connect with those closest to you, you’re obviously not too busy (unless you’re a healthcare worker, some real hero’s) to connect with those closest to you. Take care of others and yourself. America is the greatest country on earth and the people here will solve the problem. Look to yourself and to those closest to you to solve the problem. Take extreme ownership in this time. Ownership of you, your relationships, your situation, and make it happen.
For most getting the virus is no big deal, but for those vulnerable it is and the downstream effects for others needing treatment is huge. Your job is to not get it, take as long as possible not to get it and not to spread it. Be a good neighbor, citizen, friend, and family member.
Coronavirus will teach us a lot and will make us more prepared. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn, connect, get ahead and be better.
Trust me toilet paper is not the answer....